среда, 12. јануар 2011.

Radionica i izložba „FRAJLAUTCAJHNEN“/ The workshop and exhibition "FRAJLAUTCAJHNEN“/ Der Workshop und Ausstellung "FRAJLAUTCAJHNEN"

Zvuk = crtež; olovka + papir = muzika ?????????????

Može li se zvuk nacrtati ili crtež poslušati?
Odgovor je: Može.

Zaboravite na pravila geometrije i oslušnite razliku između na primer kruga, kvadrata i trougla. Svi znamo kako se crta kuća, drvo i čiča gliša. Znamo li kako oni i zvuče? Vaša olovka dobila je ton a sa promenom oblika, debljine i dužine linije koju njome nacrtate menjaće se i ton. Slobodni ste da svojim crtežom komponujete zvuk kao i da slušajući zvuke olovke nacrtate nešto vama interesantno. Ne postoje ograničenja u formi, tehnici ili stilu.
Sve što treba da uradite jeste da se zapitate kakav bi to crtež voleli da čujete ili kakav bi zvuk voleli da nacrtate a onda pustite mašti na volju, uzmite olovku i počnite sa crtanjem.

Sound = drawing, pencil + paper = music ?????????????

Is it possible to draw a sound or hear a drawing?
The answer is: Yes.

Forget about the rules of geometry and hear the difference between such a circle, square and triangle. We all know that the house line, wood and old man. Do we know how they sound? Your pen got the tone and with the change of shape, thickness and length of the line you draw it will change the tone. You are free to compose a drawing of her and that listening to the sounds of a pencil you draw something interesting. There are no restrictions on form, technique or style.
All you have to do is to ask yourself what kind of drawing like to hear or what would sound like to draw and then let your imagination run wild, take a pencil and start drawing.

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