среда, 12. јануар 2011.

Framing old Belgrade/Framing alten Belgrad

„Uramljivanje grada“ je jedna u nizu akcija likovne grupe Goethe Guerile, pri Goethe Institutu. Ideja o ovom radu nastala je tokom radionice sa nemačkim konceptualnim umetnikom Frankom Belterom, u martu ove godine. On nas je usmeravao ka jednostavnim i efektnim načinima oživljavanja grada i njegovih značajnih kulturno istorijskih objekata.

Ram kao predmet služi da se istakne lepota i da se naglasi  značaj slike, grafike, crteža, ali u ovom slučaju prozora, vrata, prolaza na starim i zaštićenim kućama u Beogradu koje su danas slabo poznate.Za sad je ovo online projekat jer je bilo nemoguće doći do neophodnih dozvola ya postavljanje ramova, kao i kod Muzeja Brodova. Naravno, svako ko ima predlog da se neka lokacija na ovaj način obeleži, pozvan je i da to podeli s nama.

"Framing the city" is one in a series of action art group Guerila Goethe, the Goethe Institute. The idea of this work was created during the workshop with the German conceptual artist Frank Belter, in March this year. He directed us to a simple and effective ways of reviving the city and its important cultural and historic sites.
Frame as the object serves to highlight the beauty and to emphasize the importance of paintings, prints, drawings, but in this case windows, doors, passages and protected on old houses in Belgrade that are now poorly poznate.Za now this online project because it was impossible to obtain necessary permits ya set of frames, as well as museum ships. Of course, anyone who has a proposal to a site in this way mark, was also invited to share with us.

concept, text, sketch, photos by: Milica Nikolic

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