среда, 12. јануар 2011.

Pogled preko plota/Look over the fence/Blick über den Zaun/


Građevinsko-megalomanska idila Beograda
Muzej, zgrada fakulteta, stanica podzemne železnice, arheološki park, hotel, tržni centar, igralište za decu, teren za fudbal, otvoreni bazen, skejt park – bile su samo neke od želja prolaznika koji su na inicijativu Goethe – Gerile zavirili iza ograde gradilišta u ulici Kralja Petra (stara okretnica trola) i tamo otkrili zjapeću rupu. Usled višegodišnje izloženosti vremenskim uslovima rupa se napunila vodom a u toku proleća bila je i stanište za patke.

Šta bi na tom mestu zapravo trebalo da bude, i ko bi o tome trebalo da odlučuje ostavljamo građanima na razmatranje. Njihova zapažanja i predloge stavićemo u bocu, a zatim ćemo istu pustiti niz reku, u nadi da će je neko sa druge strane sveta pronaći.

Construction and megalomaniacal idyll Belgrade

Museum, University of buildings, subway stations, an archaeological park, hotel, shopping center, a playground for children, football pitch, swimming pool, skate park - there were just some of the tell passers-by on the initiative of the Goethe - Guerrillas glimpse behind the fences at construction sites Kralja Petra (old turntable trolley) and there discovered gaping hole. Due to years of exposure to weather conditions, holes were filled with water in the spring was also a habitat for ducks.

What would this place really should be, and who would be on that decision is left to the citizens for their consideration. Their observations and suggestions will put in a bottle, and then we let the same down the river in hopes someone from the other side of the world to find.

Framing old Belgrade/Framing alten Belgrad

„Uramljivanje grada“ je jedna u nizu akcija likovne grupe Goethe Guerile, pri Goethe Institutu. Ideja o ovom radu nastala je tokom radionice sa nemačkim konceptualnim umetnikom Frankom Belterom, u martu ove godine. On nas je usmeravao ka jednostavnim i efektnim načinima oživljavanja grada i njegovih značajnih kulturno istorijskih objekata.

Ram kao predmet služi da se istakne lepota i da se naglasi  značaj slike, grafike, crteža, ali u ovom slučaju prozora, vrata, prolaza na starim i zaštićenim kućama u Beogradu koje su danas slabo poznate.Za sad je ovo online projekat jer je bilo nemoguće doći do neophodnih dozvola ya postavljanje ramova, kao i kod Muzeja Brodova. Naravno, svako ko ima predlog da se neka lokacija na ovaj način obeleži, pozvan je i da to podeli s nama.

"Framing the city" is one in a series of action art group Guerila Goethe, the Goethe Institute. The idea of this work was created during the workshop with the German conceptual artist Frank Belter, in March this year. He directed us to a simple and effective ways of reviving the city and its important cultural and historic sites.
Frame as the object serves to highlight the beauty and to emphasize the importance of paintings, prints, drawings, but in this case windows, doors, passages and protected on old houses in Belgrade that are now poorly poznate.Za now this online project because it was impossible to obtain necessary permits ya set of frames, as well as museum ships. Of course, anyone who has a proposal to a site in this way mark, was also invited to share with us.

concept, text, sketch, photos by: Milica Nikolic

Muzej brodova/Ships Museum /Schiffmuseum


Muzej jugoslovenskih brodova je prvi muzej u Beogradu čija je postavka u potpunosti smeštena na otvorenom prostoru. U prirodnoj ambijentalnoj celini mogu se razgledati mnogobrojni muzejski eksponati koji na najbolji način oslikavaju društvene, političke i duhovne prilike u bivšoj Republici Jugoslaviji kao i u životu koji je nastupio nakon prestanka njenog državnog i teritorijalnog postojanja.

Museum of Yugoslav ship is the first museum in Belgrade, whose setting is fully accommodated in the open. The natural ambience as a whole can be seen by many museum pieces that best reflect the social, political and spiritual conditions in the former Republic of Yugoslavia, as in life, who appeared after the cessation of its state and territorial existence.

Radionica i izložba „FRAJLAUTCAJHNEN“/ The workshop and exhibition "FRAJLAUTCAJHNEN“/ Der Workshop und Ausstellung "FRAJLAUTCAJHNEN"

Zvuk = crtež; olovka + papir = muzika ?????????????

Može li se zvuk nacrtati ili crtež poslušati?
Odgovor je: Može.

Zaboravite na pravila geometrije i oslušnite razliku između na primer kruga, kvadrata i trougla. Svi znamo kako se crta kuća, drvo i čiča gliša. Znamo li kako oni i zvuče? Vaša olovka dobila je ton a sa promenom oblika, debljine i dužine linije koju njome nacrtate menjaće se i ton. Slobodni ste da svojim crtežom komponujete zvuk kao i da slušajući zvuke olovke nacrtate nešto vama interesantno. Ne postoje ograničenja u formi, tehnici ili stilu.
Sve što treba da uradite jeste da se zapitate kakav bi to crtež voleli da čujete ili kakav bi zvuk voleli da nacrtate a onda pustite mašti na volju, uzmite olovku i počnite sa crtanjem.

Sound = drawing, pencil + paper = music ?????????????

Is it possible to draw a sound or hear a drawing?
The answer is: Yes.

Forget about the rules of geometry and hear the difference between such a circle, square and triangle. We all know that the house line, wood and old man. Do we know how they sound? Your pen got the tone and with the change of shape, thickness and length of the line you draw it will change the tone. You are free to compose a drawing of her and that listening to the sounds of a pencil you draw something interesting. There are no restrictions on form, technique or style.
All you have to do is to ask yourself what kind of drawing like to hear or what would sound like to draw and then let your imagination run wild, take a pencil and start drawing.

Lutke na zaboravljenim mestima u gradu/ Puppets in forgotten places in town/Puppen an vergessenen Orten in der Stadt

,,Lutke na zaboravljenim mestima“ predstavlja višečasovnu jednodnevnu demonstraciju ručno izrađenih lutaka koje mirno stojeći ispred nekadašnjih beogradskih institucija kulture ukazuju na to da su ona usled različitih društvenih intriga postala napuštena, zaboravaljena i mesta prepuštena propadanju.
Realizacija projekta: zbog nejasnoća oko imovinskih pitanja i činjenice da je za svaku lokaciju neophodna dozvola vlasnika, projekat je delimično ostao nerealizovan. 
"Puppets in forgotten places" is several hours of one-day demonstration of hand-made dolls that calm while standing in front of Belgrade's former cultural institutions indicate that they are due to different social intrigue became deserted, forgotten and places left to decay.
Implementation of the project: the ambiguity of property issues and the fact that for each location needed permission from the owner, the project is partially remained unrealized.