уторак, 25. септембар 2012.
четвртак, 12. јануар 2012.
Goethe Guerilla regional meeting @Jahorina
Od 1. do 5. decembra na Jahorini se održavao regionalni susret mladih iz Sarajeva, Beograda, Zagreba, Skoplja, Prištine i Herceg-Novog, koji su u svojim gradovima oformili grupe Goethe-Guerille.
Cilj drugog regionalnog susreta bila je prezentacija i evaluacija dosadašnjeg rada, ali i uvođenje novih Gerilaca u ovaj projekat.
Goethe-Guerilla je ideja koja je prvobitno zaživela u Beogradu, ali se u julu ove godine, nakon prvog regionalnog susreta u Ohridu, proširila i na ostale gradove u regionu.
From 1 to 5 December in Jahorina was held regional youth meeting from Sarajevo, Belgrade, Zagreb, Skopje, Pristina and Herceg-Novi, who are in their cities, formed guerrilla groups of Goethe.The aim of the second regional meeting was the presentation and evaluation of previous work, and introduction of new guerrillas in the project.
Goethe-Guerilla is an idea that had originally come to life in Belgrade, but in July this year, after the first regional meeting in Ohrid, spread to other cities in the region.
Cilj drugog regionalnog susreta bila je prezentacija i evaluacija dosadašnjeg rada, ali i uvođenje novih Gerilaca u ovaj projekat.
Goethe-Guerilla je ideja koja je prvobitno zaživela u Beogradu, ali se u julu ove godine, nakon prvog regionalnog susreta u Ohridu, proširila i na ostale gradove u regionu.
From 1 to 5 December in Jahorina was held regional youth meeting from Sarajevo, Belgrade, Zagreb, Skopje, Pristina and Herceg-Novi, who are in their cities, formed guerrilla groups of Goethe.The aim of the second regional meeting was the presentation and evaluation of previous work, and introduction of new guerrillas in the project.
Goethe-Guerilla is an idea that had originally come to life in Belgrade, but in July this year, after the first regional meeting in Ohrid, spread to other cities in the region.
уторак, 10. јануар 2012.
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